Offerte A Tutto Giappone sul PS Store!

Offerte A Tutto Giappone sul PS Store!

Partono oggi gli sconti A Tutto Giappone sul Playstation Store grazie ai quali potremo risparmiare fino al 75% —in certi casi anche oltre— su tanti dei titoli scontati, tra cui i nostri amati RPG. Le offerte sono valide fino al 25 febbraio.

Come sempre, ecco la lista degli RPG scontati per l’occasione.


13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim 29.99 50%
Akiba’s Beat 4.99 75%
Cat Quest 2.59 80%
Cat Quest II 8.99 40%
Code Vein 19.59 72%
Conception PLUS: Maidens of the Twelve Stars 23.99 60%
Crystar 20.39 66%
Dark Rose Valkyrie 14.99 70%
Dark Souls Remastered 11.99 70%
Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin 9.99 50%
Dark Souls III 12.49 75%
Death end reQuest 11.99 60%
Death end re;Quest 2 19.99 60%
Destiny Connect: Tick-Tock Travelers 19.99 50%
Digimon World: Next Order 14.99 75%
Disgaea 1 Complete 19.99 60%
Disgaea 4 Complete+ 29.99 40%
Disgaea 5 Complete Bundle 19.99 50%
Dragon Ball Z – Kakarot 27.99 60%
Dragon Ball Z – Kakarot: Ultimate Edition 49.99 50%
Dragon Marked For Death 23.99 40%
Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky 17.99 70%
Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force 11.99 60%
Kingdom Hearts Pacchetto  All-In-One 27.49 75%
Kingdom Hearts 1.5+2.5 Remix 12.49 75%
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue 14.99 75%
Kingdom Hearts III 20.99 70%
Kingdom Hearts III Re:mind 20.09 33%
Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory 40.19 33%
God Wars Future Past 7.49 85%
Giraffe and Annika 19.49 35%
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? 27.99 30%
Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk 19.99 60%
Langrisser I&II 26.99 40%
Megadimension Neptunia VIIR 15.99 60%
Ni No Kuni II: Il Destino di un Regno 9.79 86%
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir 19.79 67%
Omega Quintet 8.99 70%
Sakura Wars 29.99 50%
Song of Memories 8.74 75%
Super Neptunia RPG 11.99 60%
Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris 41.99 40%
Tales of Berseria 9.99 50%
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition 9.99 75%
The Caligula Effect: Overdose 19.99 60%
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III 35.99 40%
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV 44.99 25%
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV Digital Deluxe Edition 59.99 25%
The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Revival Edition 13.19 67%
The Witch and the Hundred Knight Wicked Bundle 27.99 60%
The Witch and the Hundred Knight 2 19.99 60%
Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters: Daybreak Special Gigs 5.99 70%
Tokyo Xanadu eX+ 11.99 80%
Utawarerumono: Prelude to the Fallen 41.99 30%
Valkyria Chronicles 4 Complete Edition 19.99 60%
Valthirian Arc: Hero School Story 2.59 80%
Zanki Zero: Last Beginning 11.99 80%


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