Black Friday: tutte le offerte per amanti degli RPG!

Black Friday: tutte le offerte per amanti degli RPG!

Ufficialmente manca ancora una settimana al fatidico Black Friday, ma le offerte cominciano già oggi su tutte le principali piattaforme. Nel corso dei prossimi sette giorni, raggrupperemo in questo articolo tutte le principali offerte dedicate agli RPG e affini. L’articolo verrà costantemente aggiornato, perciò tenetelo sotto controllo e seguiteci su Facebook e Twitter e via dicendo per non perdervi nulla!

(Nota: le offerte segnalate riguardano principalmente il mondo RPG, ma vengono riportate anche offerte relative ad altri giochi che i nostri utenti potrebbero trovare interessanti!)


(Nota: i link  Amazon nell’articolo contengono il nostro tag affiliato. Ordinando attraverso questi link, una piccola percentuale del prezzo andrà a noi, aiutandoci a coprire parte delle spese di gestione del sito senza che per voi ci sia alcuna differenza).

Atelier Lydie & Suelle Nintendo Switch 14,99
Catherine Full Body: Launch Edition PlayStation 4 39,99
Collection of Mana Nintendo Switch 29,99
Death end re; Quest PlayStation 4 19.99
Disgaea 1 Complete Nintendo Switch 14,99
Dragon’s Crown Pro PlayStation 4 19,99
Dragon Quest Builders II PlayStation 4 29,99
Dragon Quest XI PlayStation 4 19,99
Elex PlayStation 4 13,48
Elex PC 8,53
Fallen Legion: Rise to Glory Nintendo Switch 19,99
Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster Nintendo Switch 29,99
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age Nintendo Switch 29,99
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age PlayStation 4 18,99
Final Fantasy XV Day One Edition PlayStation 4 14,99
Fire Emblem Echoes Nintendo 3DS 19,98
Harvest Moon: Light of Hope PlayStation 4 19,99
Judgement PlayStation 4 24,99
Kingdom Come Deliverance: Royal Edition PS4, PC, XBO 19,99
Kingdom Hearts: The Story so Far PlayStation 4 22,99
Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 ReMix PlayStation 4 19,47
Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Final Chapter: Prologue PlayStation 4 18,99
Kingdom Hearts III PlayStation 4 27,06
Lost Sphear PlayStation 4 17,99
My Time at Portia PlayStation 4 22,99
Nelke & The Legendary Alchemists PlayStation 4 19,99
Nelke & The Legendary Alchemists Nintendo Switch 19,99
NieR Automata PlayStation 4 19,99
NieR Automata: GOTY Edition PlayStation 4 24,99
Ni no Kuni Remastered PlayStation 4 40,78
Persona 5 PlayStation 4 19,99
Persona Endless Night Collection PlayStation 4 39,99
Persona 5 Dancing in Starlight PlayStation 4 19,99
Persona 3 Dancing in Moonlight PlayStation 4 19,99
Pokémon Spada Nintendo Switch 48,78
Pokémon Scudo Nintendo Switch 48,78
Secret of Mana PlayStation 4 18,88
Shenmue HD I&II PlayStation 4 19,99
The Caligula Effect: Overdose Nintendo Switch 19,99
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Complete Edition Nintendo Switch 39,99
The World Ends With You Final Remix Nintendo Switch 32,78
The Princess Guide PS4, Switch 19,99
Valkyria Chronicles 4 PS4, XBO 19,99
Yakuza 6 PlayStation 4 19,99
Yakuza Kiwami 2 PlayStation 4 19,99
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana Nintendo Switch 24,99
Offerte consol,e
Nintendo Switch Lite Grigio o Turchese 189,00
Sony PS4 PRO PlayStation Gamma Chassis + PS Live Card 20€, 4K HDR, 1 TB 299,99
Playstation 4 Slim 500GB F Chassis + Rachet & Clank + The Last Of Us (Remastered) + Uncharted 4 219,99
Xbox One S 1TB Bundle Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Deluxe Edition, 1Mese EA Access + 1 Mese Live Gold + 1 m Gamepass 198,99
Xbox One S 1TB + 2° Controller (1X Bianco, 1X Nero) + 14 Days Live Gold + 1 m Gamepass 199,99
Xbox One S 1TB All Digital Edition Console (1 Mese Xbox Live Gold + 3 Digital Games Inclusi) 128,99


Offerte valide fino all’1/12/2019

Atelier Lulua Nintendo Switch 41,99
Atelier Lulua: Digital Deluxe Edition Nintendo Switch 52,49
Cat Quest Nintendo Switch 4,54
Chronus Arc Nintendo Switch 9,09
Dark Souls Remastered Nintendo Switch 23,99
Disgaea 1 Complete Nintendo Switch 24.99
Disgaea 5 Complete Nintendo Switch 19,79
Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen Nintendo Switch 19,97
Dragon Quest Builders 2 Nintendo Switch 41.99
Evoland Legendary Edition Nintendo Switch 19,99
Fairune Collection Nintendo Switch 4,99
Fernz Gate Nintendo Switch 7,79
God Eater 3 Nintendo Switch 35.99
God Wars The Complete Legend Nintendo Switch 19,99
Labyrinth of Refrain_ Coven of Dusk Nintendo Switch 24,99
Lapis x Labyrinth Nintendo Switch 14,99
Ni No Kuni Nintendo Switch 39,99
Octopath Traveler Nintendo Switch 35.99
Penny Punching Princess Nintendo Switch 19,99
Regalia: Of Men and Monarchs – Royal Edition Nintendo Switch 9,99
Romancing SaGa 3 Nintendo Switch 25,59
SEGA AGES Phantasy Star Nintendo Switch 3,49
Shining Resonance Refrain Nintendo Switch 19,99
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition Nintendo Switch 24,99
The Longest 5 Minute Nintendo Switch 19,99
Valkyria Chronicles Nintendo Switch 9,99
Valkyria Chronicles 4 Nintendo Switch 19,99
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Nintendo Switch 41,99
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana Nintendo Switch 29,99

Offerte valide fino al 3/12/2019

Anthem PlayStation 4 19,99
Code Vein PlayStation 4 39,99
Code Vein Deluxe Edition PlayStation 4 59,99
Dragon Quest Builders PlayStation 4 34,99
Dragon Quest Builders II PlayStation 4 40,19
Dragon Quest Builders II: Deluxe Edition PlayStation 4 53,59
Fallout 4: GOTY PlayStation 4 19,99
Fallout 76 PlayStation 4 19,99
God Eater 3 PlayStation 4 34,99
Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 ReMix PlayStation 4 24,99
Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Final Chapter: Prologue PlayStation 4 29,99
Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition PlayStation 4 14,99
Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds PlayStation 4 7,49
Ni no Kuni Remastered PlayStation 4 29,99
Ni no Kuni II PlayStation 4 14,99
Ni no Kuni II: The Prince’s Edition PlayStation 4 19,99
Persona 5 PlayStation 4 17,99
Persona 5: Ultimate Edition PlayStation 4 24,99
Romancing Saga 2 PlayStation 4 18,74
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice PlayStation 4 45,49
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time PlayStation 4 10,49
Star Ocean The Last Hope 4K Full HD Remaster PlayStation 4 10,49
Star Ocean 5 Integrity and Faithlessness PlayStation 4 14,99
Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet PlayStation 4 17,99
Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet Complete Edition PlayStation 4 34,99
The Elder’s Scroll V: Skyrim Special Edition PlayStation 4 19,99
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III PlayStation 4 41,99
The Witcher 3: GOTY PlayStation 4 14,99
The Outer Worlds PlayStation 4 44,99

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